New staff at SITES Lönnstorp!

07 May 2020

Ana Barreiro and Lina Fransson-Engman will start to work at SITES Lönnstorp during 2020.

Ana will act as a station manager for SITES Lönnstorp from the beginning of August until the middle of January when Johannes Albertsson is on parental leave. She has been working as a post-doctoral researcher in the Cropping Systems Ecology Group in the Biosystems and Technology department (SLU) for the last three years. She did her PhD in Spain, as well as her master (Environment and Natural Resources) and bachelor degree (Biology). Her main research focus is the soil microbial ecology. Currently, she is involved in a project about the impact of grassland management intensity on the soil microbial communities, which coincides with her PhD and the post-doctoral work. During her time at SLU, she has been involved in several activities related to SITES Lönnstorp and she has also been working at Röbäcksdalen Research Station during 2017. Ana is planning to integrate new experiments at the research station and she is looking forward to the new task.

Ana Barreiro.

Lina Fransson-Engman started her position as a field technician at SITES Lönnstorp in the beginning of May this year. She has been studying at Campus Alnarp (SLU) and became a Lantmästare (Higher Education Diploma in Agricultural and Rural Management) in 2009. The last three years she has been working at a small company that sells vegetable seeds. At that company she was among other things responsible for the seed germination tests. She has also several years experienced from practical work at farms and garden companies. Lina will be involved in many different tasks, which are mainly related to the SAFE experiment. In addition, she will be a back-up drone pilot for SITES Spectral.

Lina Fransson-Engman. Photographer: Johannes Albertsson.

Very warm welcome to the SITES team Ana and Lina!