SITES celebrates World Water Day with water related data uploads!

22 March 2023

"Accelerating change to solve the water and sanitation crisis" is the theme for the World Water Day 2023. Within the SITES Water long-term measurement program, data on hydrological, physical, chemical, and biological parameters within lakes and streams across SITES stations is made openly available to the user community to address a broad range of scientific questions relevant to solving the water crisis.

In celebration of World Water Day, the AQUATIC data from LAKE ERKEN has been updated including quality controlled data for 2022. The data covers a broad range of data types on chemical and physical variables for the lake and the streams surrounding it. Extensive time series can be found under the following link:

Meteorological data Malma Island

Lake Chemistry
Stream Chemistry (Filter on all stream sampling points)

Lake Temperature Profiles (Filter on all water temperature profiles)
Lake YSI Profiles (Filter on all YSI profiles)

Stream Inlet & Outlet discharge (Filter on discharge for In-&Outlet)
Lake Water Level

More data on AQUATIC BIOTA will follow soon, so keep yourself updated on the SITES Data Portal for new data uploads.
Data collected within SITES are freely available and can be used by anyone as long as the data is cited and acknowledged, following the instructions in the SITES data policy.

Image removed.
Ice cover on Lake Erken (Photo: Holger Villwock)