Mild November in Skåne

09 December 2020

November used to be the transition month between autumn and winter at Lönnstorp Research Station in Skåne in southern Sweden, but this year the temperatures have been a bit milder than usual. According to the automatic weather station placed at the station (data from the station is available in SITES data portal), the average temperature in the first three weeks of November has been around 10 ºC, while in the past three years the average temperature for the same dates was between 5–6 ºC. This could be the reason why this winter the crops of the SAFE infrastructure are still growing.

Bird´s eye view of the SAFE infrastructure in November 2020 at Lönnstorp Research Station. The growth rate this year has been unusual high for this part of the season. Photo: Ryan Davidson.
Bird´s eye view of the SAFE infrastructure in November 2020 at Lönnstorp Research Station. The growth rate this year has been unusual high for this part of the season. Photo: Ryan Davidson.