Almost the End of a successful Greenhous Gas flux campaign in Abisko

21 September 2020

As every year, autumn arrived fast in Abisko and plans to end the open water season in the coming weeks on Lake Almbergasjön are establishing (first ice expected soon, removal of equipment necessary). On Lake Almbergasjön most of Abisko´s SITES Water long-term monitoring installations are located. The monitoring programme provides a unique opportunity to not only measure the lake’s water temperature and oxygen profile, but also to take a deeper look into the fluxes of greenhouse gases from its sediment and water column. Therefore, floating flux chambers developed by David Bastviken and his research group are used. The uniqueness of this data series becomes apparent when considering the fact that it is the only sub-arctic lake where this type of data is available globally.

Before the end of 2020 the first data sets will be provided on the SITES Data Portal open to use by the research community.

Short facts - Lake Almbergasjön:

  • Location: 68°19'54.89"N, 19° 9'15.15"E
  • Altitude: 380 m a.s.l.
  • Area: app. 5.7ha
  • Maximum depth: 4.5 ± 0.5m
  • Trophic status: oligotrophic
  • Additional information: stable stratification during winter, non-stable stratification during summer i.e. the lake mixes several times every summer. 

Greenhouse Gas flux chamber located on Lake Almbergasjön (Abisko research area) measuring Carbon dioxide emissions. Phographer: Erik Lundin