Insights into Forest Regeneration at Asa Research Station

03 September 2020

The summer course in forest regeneration with its final field week in Asa was completed in August 2020.

The course goal is to give students insight in the complexity of forest regeneration in modern forestry in northern Europe and is open for master and PhD students with a background in forest science/forest management as well as ecology or environmental science.

The course is divided into three parts, with a field project, a literature study and a final field week situated at Asa Research Station.
The field projects are designed by the students and typically involve measurements of seedlings in the forest, the green house or a different designated site. The outcome is later presented in a poster session during the field week.
The literature study in combination with assignments aims to prepare the students for their field week in Asa which is considered the “heart” of the course.
During this week, the students learn about plant physiology, visit different kinds of regeneration areas and examine ongoing experiments in and around Asa and discuss the experimental designs.

Next to intensive days in the field, the students also attend a webinar with experts presenting their field of research such as plant short-day treatment, dormancy, genetics, etc.
Despite several challenges due to the Corona virus, the course responsible Kristina Wallertz and her team of skilled teachers could realize this year’s course much to the appreciation of the students. So far, 13 students have completed the course and students who couldn’t participate due to travel restrictions and illness will be welcome next year.
More information can be found here - In-depth course in forest regeneration
& PhD course Forest regeneration 2020.

Students got an insight into practical forestry when silviculture experts at Södra gave them a guided tour on their forest property in Attsjö outside Växjö.
Photographer: Kristina Wallertz.


One of many exercises during the field week was to dig up seedlings, here at a demonstration site in Asa. Photographer: Kristina Wallertz.

More information can be found here: