Master Thesis at SITES Bolmen – Studying the brownification of inflows to Lake Bolmen

13 September 2023

Several inflows to Lake Bolmen are of interest to study to understand the brownification of the lake. The inflow river, Ryds Å, entering the lake south east of Bolmen, flows through an old peatland, Äspenäs. The peatland is thought to have an impact on the color of the water. There is no previous data on the brownification of Ryds Å, nor about its contribution of brown-colored water to the lake. In general, the available data on the hydrology of the river and its catchment are very sparse. It is therefore necessary to acquire such data to analyze how the peat area is affecting Ryds Å, its contribution to brownification in the lake, and the relationship between them.

Frida Karlsson Öhman and Clemens Klante are getting ready to measure the flow and water quality. (Photo: Emelie Ström)
Frida Karlsson Öhman and Clemens Klante are getting ready to measure the flow and water quality. (Photo: Emelie Ström)

This fall, two Master students in Environmental Engineering at Lund University, Emelie Ström and Frida Karlsson Öhman, will look further into this topic. The aim of their Master thesis is to quantify the brownification of Ryds Å. Further relevant parameters concerning the water quality in Ryds Å, such as pH, temperature, turbulence and chlorophyll, will also be quantified. The project will thereby consist of field work, including taking water samples and making a flow analysis, and laboratory work at the research station SITES Bolmen. The laboratory work includes filtration and spectrophotometry.
Emelie and Frida started their field work this week at Bolmen Research Station, and will continue there the next four weeks. They are in guidance of their assistant supervisor, Clemens Klante, Research Manager at SITES Bolmen Research Station, and their supervisor at Lund University, Professor Magnus Larson.