Why using flumes in research?

24 September 2020

A new experimental stream infrastructure has been under construction at Svartberget Research Station during August and September. This exciting new project led by Lenka Kuglerová, jointly funded by grants from the Wallenberg foundation and FORMAS, will provide a set of 12 each 14.4 meter long and 0.2 m wide experimental flumes fed with water from a nearby stream. These flumes will allow gradient, substrate and flow conditions, water temperature and nutrient status to be controlled in a natural but reproducible setting. Flow in each flume is designed to be variable from 0 to 1 L s-1 and gradient from 0 to 1.5 degrees with the potential to alter the angle along the flume length to create pool and riffle sections within each artificial stream. The design and construction phase of this new facility led by Meredith Blackburn is expected to be completed in early October and the first experiment will be undertaken at the beginning of 2021.

Photographer: Meredith Blackburn.

Photographer: Meredith Blackburn.